Sunday, 15 January 2012

I HAVE TAB!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I HAVE TAB!!!!!! Well I had Tab as this post was in my drafts and I forgot to post it so it's a couple of weeks ago now. I've been looking for Tab for a long, long time.

The last time that I remember having Tab was when we lived in Israel when I was about 7 or 8 although I might have had it later than that but that's the time that I strongly associate with this drink. And finding it now and having a sip makes me remember that time so clearly. For some reason that I can't remember now I used to run away to this lady named Lynne's house (well I think that's her name). I can't remember why I did that but one of the things I do remember is that she would give me a Tab. Thinking back on it now I musta been a pain in the butt turning up on this lady's doorstep unannounced. I remember that she would do craft things like making popsicle yarn wheels with me (probably while wishing my parents would hurry up and pick me up). I can't imagine what my parents would think waking up on the weekends to find me gone. I'm assuming that she'd call them when I rocked up at the door. I have two Polaroid photos taken at her house with me in my favourite blue and red knickerbocker pants so it isn't just a figment of my imagination.

The other thing that drinking Tab reminded me of (because I was already thinking about Israel) is when they tarred the road outside our house. It was a dirt road and at some point they tarred and rocked the road and even to this day whenever I smell tar it reminds me of that time. After it was done Seb and I would sit on the sidewalk and play with the sticky tar and rocks and get our fingers all sticky and covered in black goo.  Anyway... just thought I'd share that I had TAB!! :) 

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