Monday, 26 March 2012

Salt flats outside of Salt Lake City, Utah

Heading out of Salt Lake City towards Battle Mountain, Nevada I hit the salt flats. Most notably the Bonneville salt flats which is the site of the world land speed record runs. I seem to recall that there's a movie with Anthony Hopkins about it but I'm too lazy to google it so if you really wanna know feel free to look it up yourself  :) Of course I had to taste the salt and it's like salt x 1000000. Super dooper salty. And satisfyingly crunchy underfoot too.

Salt storm just before the flats, very windy at this gas station stop

heading into the salt storm

Bonneville Salt Flats

Bonneville Salt Flats

Bonneville Salt Flats

Bonneville Salt Flats

salty goodness

crunchy salty goodness

hello Nevada

bye bye Utah

some amazing looking mountain range on the way to Battle Mountain, Nevada

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